Find the banana, hand, mushroom, and fish

Banana Hint: Look to the leaves where you might expect to find a banana growing. Solution: The banana is hidden on a leaf to the right of the image. Its curved shape blends perfectly with the veins of the leaf. Hand Hint: Hands don’t belong on trees, but this one might be disguised as a part of the branch. Solution: The hand is on the left branch. The fingers are cleverly shaped to look like small offshoots of the branch. Mushroom Hint: Check the leopard itself. Sometimes, the unexpected location is the best hiding spot. Solution: The mushroom is on the leopard’s body, camouflaged as part of its spotted fur pattern. Look closely at the spots to identify its distinctive shape. Fish Hint: It’s not in water but hidden on the tree. Solution: The fish is carved into the trunk of the tree. Its outline is subtle, so you’ll need to examine the tree bark closely to spot it.

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