The prophecy of Mrs. Vanga in 2025

At this time, 2024 is about to end, so many people are waiting for the prophecies of the blind old lady Vanga about the situation of the world and people in 2025. The newspaper has published an article about this information, I will share the details in the article below for everyone to know. Hey!

What awaits humans in 2025 according to the prophecy of the blind old lady Vanga

Baba Vanga is no longer a strange name to many people, she is famous as a blind Bulgarian prophet with unexpected predictions about the fate of the world. Although Baba Vanga passed away in 1996, her predictions about the future still surprise many people. According to The Economic Times, her predictions are often called “Nostradamus of the Balkans” (Nostradamus was a famous 16th-century French astrologer). Baba Vanga’s “prophecies” about the fate of the world in 2025 have made many people curious.

Accordingly, Ms. Vanga once predicted a major conflict in Europe in 2025, aggravated by the current tensions between Russia and Ukraine, with serious nuclear impacts.

Another prediction of Ms. Vanga that received the most attention was that the end of the world would begin in 2025, the first continent to suffer would be Europe, with major conflicts causing the population of this continent to decrease sharply. But the complete extinction of the human race will not happen before the year 5079.

Not only that, Ms. Vanga also predicted that in 2025, humanity may encounter alien creatures. The message from the prophecy clearly states: “These creatures will make their presence known to us”. This prediction has sparked a heated debate about the existence of aliens and their impact on humans. It is worth mentioning that Nostradamus – a 16th century French astrologer, also made similar predictions. Among them, major events in 2025 such as a major conflict in Europe, warnings of “devastating wars” and “an ancient plague” are equally terrifying. In addition, the blind prophet Vanga also mentioned environmental disasters caused by climate change such as drought, forest fires… Besides negative information, the blind Bulgarian woman gave a “hopeful” prediction. She foresaw advances in growing human organs in the laboratory – a breakthrough that is expected to extend life expectancy and ease the shortage of transplant organs.

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